I am so pleased to let you know that these 5×7” hand colored wildflower prints are now available for sale on the ShellyCarlson.com website! They were inspired by peaceful walks in the pasture, connections to nature and to those I love.
My daughter, Laura, and her young friends or cousins often put on their calico dresses, aprons and sunbonnets to run outside and play “Little House on the Prairie”. (Sometimes big brother or sister even joined them in the fun.) They set up their house in the creek and chose sticks, rocks and pine cones to put in their wooden bowls for a make believe supper. Of course, there were wildflowers gathered to place on the table to make it beautiful! What imagination. What fun.
Now those little girls are all grown up and are such beautiful young women, inside and out. They are graduating, they are getting married, they are moving far away.
What can I give them to celebrate? What can I send with them to create a small anchor to their childhood, to the joy of play, to the heart felt pleasure of a jar of wildflowers on the table, to memories of home? There is a strong desire to remind them of simple pleasures and solid relationships with people that love them where ever they may go.
I head downstairs and pull out the art supplies and draw some of those wildflowers with such funny names- daisy fleabane, catclaw sensitive briar, blue wild indigo… The original black lined drawings are duplicated and filled in with colored pencil hoping to catch just a smidgen of the wildflower’s beauty which may act as that small anchor of the heart.
I’ve made more of these wildflower pictures and hand colored them for you to put up in your home or to give to others as gifts. May they bring a bit of the peaceful prairie to you and yours. The 5×7” hand colored prints are available individually or in sets of four on the “Shop” page right here on ShellyCarlson.com!
Beautiful my sweet friend!
This made my eyes leak! Treasures of the heart.
My wildflower picture sits in my kitchen as I wrestle with this new role called “pastor’s wife” in this new place called New England, accomplishing exactly what you wanted it to- a hug from Kansas every time I see it. 🙂